Pianowella Presents Achievement Awards

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It was a very proud moment for parents as their children received Pianowella achievement awards for their musical performances. The students, having gone through intensive weeks of music training on their various musical instruments received tremendous applause for their meritorious achievements. Pianowella Achievement Awards celebrates exceptional musical performance.

 C.E.O of Pianowella, Mr Richard Eboloh commended the awardees and highlighted the accomplishments the students have attained. He noted that they have gained lifelong skills which will be of benefit to them and set them apart in a very highly competitive world.

He further stated the importance of Quality Music Education, and how Pianowella is providing quality music lessons to families and organisations through a robust and innovative curriculum and praised the parents of the awardees for their interest in providing music education for their children.

As a follow-up to Pianowella’s position as Nigeria’s Premier Music Education Provider, he took out time to thank Startupill, a London Based Media Company, for recognizing Pianowella as one of Africa’s best Music Education Technology Startups. Startupill recently named Pianowella in 80 Best Nigeria Music Based Startups. Mr Richard Eboloh also noted that awareness of the importance of music education is steadily growing amongst Nigerians and sooner than later the Music Literacy gap between Africa and the West will be reduced.

It is worthy to note that learning to play a musical instrument is very important and beneficial to the overall wellbeing of any individual. Statistics show that in the United States, 74% of adults have played an instrument in their lifetime. As 85% of children play or have played an instrument. Now the question is ‘why is learning to play an instrument’ so popular in the United States? The answer is that Americans and most of the western nations have experienced the benefits of music education to mankind. Music education helps to improve memory, aids mental wellbeing, promotes happiness and in children, it improves fine motor skills. Every person would like to play an instrument, but in Africa, the statistics of music literacy is still low due to a number of factors we would share in a later post.

Responding to the presentations, a parent of the awardees, Mr. Lucky I.  expressed his appreciation towards the leadership of Pianowella for its innovation in Music Education. Stressing the fact that the children will benefit so much from the knowledge and skill they have learnt. He also keenly supported the motion for individuals to learn an instrument to improve their mental wellbeing, especially in a society as ours filled with a lot of setbacks.

The students also shared the knowledge and skills they have amassed by playing some soft and inspiring tunes on their various musical instruments. 

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